New York State of Mind

NYC CollageWhat gets you through the tough days in life? What gets you through the good days in life? For me, it is one and the same.

I constantly have a New York State of Mind …..

New York is overwhelmingly large, and is about fulfilling dreams, being vibrant,  it’s excitement, hustle & bustle and happiness.  Your state of mind is all about attitude, perspective, outlook, mood and your disposition. Put these together and why wouldn’t you want every day as a New York State of Mind?

An attitude that is vibrant, a perspective that is overwhelmingly large, an outlook of always fulfilling your dreams, a mood of happiness and excitement, and a disposition that can handle any hustle and bustle the city can bring to you.

New York is my friend. It is like a soul that has lived through many lives – and each day these lives come through in the characters you meet on the subway or in the park. It is filled with a spectrum of great, greater and greatness. Each Avenue you enter, and Street you cross there is the surprise of a heartfelt story, an exciting adventure or sad loss.

The depth of a New Yorker is about a life that is lived, loved and not wasted. It takes courage to be a New Yorker, and a resilience that you can do anything you set your mind to. A strength where adversity is a daily commodity, and a sense of belonging which can never be taken away.

But I know what I’m needing, and I don’t want to waste more time – I’m in a New York State of Mind.

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